Bloodstone is also known as Heliotrope or Piedra Del Sol, which is an cryptrocrystalline Quartz, and a member of the Chalcedony family. The green color is in thanks to the tiny inclusions of Chlorite and Pyroxene, while the red is made of small concentrated areas of iron oxide minerals, most commonly Hematite. Heliotrope, is a Greek meaning "to turn the sun". In Indian culture, Bloodstone is ground to a fine powder and sold as an aphrodisiac!
Histroically, Bloodstone has taken high placement in several cultures and throughout history. Christianity used the stone as an amulet ... due to belief that the red spots represented the Blood of Christ. The famous Italian painter, Giorgio Vasari, was ailed by a violent hemorrhage and a piece of bloodstone placed between his shoulder blades to stop the ailment. Ancient culture believed that it was able to turn the sun itself blood red. This is due to the reddish hue, when the stone is placed into water, especially intensified when the sun's rays washed over it.
The Leyden Papyrus, written in Greek at the end of the 3rd century, states that Bloodstone will give the wearer whatever is asked for ... “whatever thou wearer says, he will be believed. Whoever bears this stone, which is a gem, and pronounces the name engraved upon it, will find all doors open, while bonds and stone walls will rent asunder”. - Kropatchek, 1907
* Gemstone / Mineral: Approx. 30mm tall x 46 wide x 20mm thick - Weight: 0.91 oz / 25.83 g